Legal Disclaimer

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Legal Disclaimer 2017-12-06T14:15:32+00:00

Whilst every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy of information contained on this site¸ errors can occasionally occur.

Air Conditioning Centre cannot accept any responsibility for any reliance upon such information¸ any omissions or any subsequent loss or damage.

By providing information on this site¸ Air Conditioning Centre is in no way recommending that any unqualified person undertake the installation¸ servicing or other mechanical repair of any Air Conditioning System or Heat Pump.

Air Conditioning Centre reserves the right to amend¸ update or withdraw any information on this site without prior notice.

All images and content on this site is a copyright of Air Conditioning Centre and must not be reproduced without the written express permission of Air Conditioning Centre.

Such permission may be obtained by emailing [email protected] with details of proposed usage.